Business consulting for you/y’all.

Our skilled and professional team offers outstanding service while creating a safe, respectful, and supportive environment for LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, and Neurodiverse partners. We prioritize respect for your identity starting from using your correct pronouns and name pronunciation, to adapting our services and guidance to your organization's unique mission and needs. 

What does “They Them” mean?

The name “They Them Consulting” has a dual meaning. The singular they/them/theirs personal pronouns are used by the founder, Vanessa Linn Hillis, a Trans-Nonbinary operations and compliance specialist. It’s a not-so-subtle way to remind people of their personal pronouns and gender identity.

The use of the plural pronoun “they” also signifies that They Them Consulting (TTC) is comprised of a diverse team skilled in many fields. Our collaboration ensures that TTC projects benefit from our combined experience and know-how. Whatever your project needs you can reach out to They Them Consulting and “They’ve got you covered.”

Our Services

  • HIPAA Compliance

    We partner with a leading industry software tool to provide HIPAA risk and compliance assessments at an approachable price. We take pride in our ability to make compliance a little more fun, and HIPAA a lot less daunting.

  • Business Services

    Together, our team strives to cover the business gamut. Our skills include: Marketing, Program Evaluation, Project Management, Operations, Graphic Design and Branding, HR, and IT Security.

  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

    DEI is not a finite state, but a continuous process of learning, growing and challenging your own internalized notions. We provide information and education about Gender, Pronouns and LGBT+ identities with compassion, understanding and patience to help your team learn and grow.

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